
Monday, March 28, 2011

Flank steak with blue cheese sauce.

My goal in life is to make my boyfriend fat. Everyday I come home from school carrying tupperware filled with veal, pork, chicken...... you get it. Amazing.
I am on spring break this week (hence the coastal vaca...) so I am going to have to really step up the home cooking. 

After tearing up Portland for 24 hours, last night was our first night on the Oregon coast.

On the menu:
Grilled flat iron steak with a balsamic reduction sauce, caramelized onions, and a blue cheese sauce. Yes, two sauces because I am just that cool. 

Now true, a good steak does not need sauce, but this is to die for and worth the need of taking on a severe eating disorder after consuming every sinful (calorie filled) bite.

sorry veggie friends.

Flank steak
Balsamic vinegar
Red wine
Blue cheese
Salt and pepper

This "recipe" was kind of just thrown together with what we had in the fridge after a trip to the grocery store where we were both starving and came home with a lot of things that needed a little creativity to go together. So, there's probably a much fancier  way to make a blue cheese sauce that wouldn't make my teachers at school shudder with disappointment, but this was super easy to make and delicious.

I leave the steak grilling up to the boy.  

Make a balsamic reduction. Sauté shallots in a little butter or olive oil. Add a splash of red wine. Reduce to 'au sec.' Add balsamic vinegar (half a cup or so) and reduce to 1/4 cup or until thick.

Caramelize onions. Slow. Slow. Slow. 

For the blue cheese sauce I just melted about a tablespoon of butter.... added a little minced onion and garlic, and then added about half a cup to a cup of blue cheese. I kept it over pretty low heat and stirred constantly to keep it from browning on the bottom. 

To plate....
Thinly slice the steak and be proud of the cute boy that cooked it to a prefect medium rare. 
Balsamic reduction on the bottom. Caramelized onions and blue cheese sauce on top. 

We served this with mushroom cous cous and brussel sprouts. 

A word on brussel sprouts. 
They look like cute baby cabbages, but everyone talks to much crap about them that I didn't even know I liked them until about two weeks ago. They are delicious, healthy, and easy to make. 
The stem is very tough.... so cut a small triangle to get rid of the hard part while leaving the leaves intact. 
I blanched my brussel sprouts. It keeps them tender and prevents the outer leaves from over cooking or falling off while trying to sauté them. 
To blanch:
Place brussel sprouts in boiling water for about 5 minutes until tender, but crisp. Remove and place in an ice bath to stop the cooking process. I sauteed a little garlic in some olive oil and then added the brussel sprouts right before serving them just to warm them up and give them some flavor.

Drink plenty of red wine.
Food Coma.

1 comment:

  1. From The Boyfriend, For The Steak:

    This is assuming you're on the rainy Oregon coast and will be grilling inside, or pan searing. If not, skip the liquid smoke.

    1 Beer - Ale or lager
    1 Cup Red Wine
    1/2 Cup Balsamic Vinegar
    3 Cloves Garlic
    1/2 Onion
    3 "caps full" of liquid Smoke
    ----(use the bottle cap to measure)
    Montreal steak seasoning - to taste.

    For Steak:
    Montreal steak seasoning - to taste
    Olive Oil - 2 "caps full"
    Garlic Salt
    Liquid Smoke - "2 caps full"

    To Marinate:
    Combine all ingredients in a bowl deep enough to submerge steak.

    Poke steak with fork to allow marinade to penetrate. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour minimum.

    To grill:
    Preheat indoor grill or outdoor grill to high heat.

    Rub both sides of steak with olive oil, then apply "Montreal steak" generously to both sides, along with garlic salt.

    Grill uncovered for 5 minutes, add one cap full of liquid smoke and turn.

    Grill 5 more minutes. Then add one cap full of liquid smoke and a little bit of leftover marinade. Cover and cook 3 more minutes for medium-rare.

    IMPORTANT STEP: Once you pull the steak of the grill DO NOT CUT. This is the biggest mistake most people make with steak. Let the steak sit for 5 minutes or until the juices begin to run out of the meat onto the plate. If you don't wait, you'll end up with a much drier steak.

    Finally, hand steak to girlfriend and let her add delicious sauces. Then enjoy.
